wocomoco concluded its activity in 2019. The website will not further updated.
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Day 1: English only

Lauren Anderson, CollaborativeConsumption.com: The collaborative revolution: from mobility to consumption and beyond

Jörg Beckmann, CEO Mobility Academy: A future of urban mobility

Caroline Cerfontaine, UITP Manager for Combined Mobility & Urban Issues: Combined Mobility, public transport in synergy with other sustainable modes: A smart way forward!

Alan Woodland, Executive Director, CarSharing Association: Shared-use vehicle mobility in North America

Andreas Rubinski, CEO Mobility International: Carsharing Technology for operators

Jannis T. Werner, Legal Counsel, WunderCar: Regulating the Sharing Economy

Roland Zeller, COO parku AG: The urban parking game

Drummond Gilbert, Founder goCarShare

Christian Piepenbrock, CEO Nachbarschaftsauto

David Van Kesteren, CEO Taxistop cambio: Taxistop: A peer-to-peer mobility pioneer

Michael L. Usher, Founder of CLYC: If you build it, WHO will come

Antonin Guy, Head of Business Development, VULOG CarSharing Technologies: How Technologies contribute to innovation in CarSharing & Mobility Services 

Randolf Wöhrl, Park2gether, Daimler Mobility Services

Rasoul Jalali, General Manager, UBER Zürich: Changing urban mobility

Eva Lüthi, CMO sharoo ag: My car is your car

Heiko Barnerssoi, CiteeCar

Susan Shaheen, University of California (Videoconference)

Day 2: German

Rahel Bonny, CEO Mobility Solutions AG und Anne Wolf, Leiterin Nachhaltigkeit, Post AG: Auftrag: Nachhaltigkeit - Lösung: Intelligente Mobilität

Manuel Gerres, Leiter Start-up Relations SBB - SBB-Start-up Programm - Strategie und Umsetzung

CoMo-Booster powered by SBB

Ursula Wyss, Municipal Councillor of the City of Bern and Director of public works, traffic and parks - Chancen und Risiken geteilter urbaner Mobilität

Sebastian Schlebusch, International Business Development, nextbike: Neue Trends im BikeSharing

Fabrice Lago, CEO PubliBike: Langsamverkehr als Element der Mobilität

Simone Leicht, Leiterin Product Management und Marketing, Mobility Solutions AG: Ist Sharing firmentauglich?

Hans-Jörg Dohrmann, CEO m-way: Das Projekt "eMotion"

Peter Frey, Leiter Business Carsharing Mobility: Mobility Business Carsharing - die Antwort auf politische Herausforderungen

Tobias Helbling, carpooling.com

Michael Glotz-Richter, Referent "nachhaltige Mobilität" beim Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr, Freie Hansestadt Bremen: Lebenswerte städtische Strassenräume

Dieter Wissler, Gemeinde Blauen: Blauen FahrMit - kommunales Mitfahrnetzwerk als Ergänzung des ÖV-Angebots in einer kleineren Gemeinde der Schweiz

Mobility Academy
a subsidiary of the Touring Club of Switzerland
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CH-3001 Bern

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