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Seven Answers from: Jean-François Wahlen

Statement: What I always wanted to tell the world about collaborative mobility.

Collaborative Mobility can help to reduce the number of vehicles on Switzerland’s streets. The interaction of different players can also change users behaviour.


Dream scenario: How I wish the mobile world looks like in 2060.

Our mobility should be more energy-conscious and rational. Combination of different means of transport, collective use of a vehicle or carpooling should be part of our everyday mobility. Also should companies set a good example and be proactive in supporting such arrangements.


My TOP-moment: In my eyes the biggest success in the history of collaborative mobility.

I can’t remember a certain highlight. But during the last years there has been a rise of competent and committed people, who will certainly change many things in the future.


My personal mobility behaviour: How I move privately.

In private I often ride my bycicle, drive with a natural gas vehicle and am often part of carpools. For longer distances I like to take the train.


Personal experiences with collaborative mobility: An incident which stayed in my mind.

A while ago I found per SMS via e-covoiturage.ch a driver, with whom I drove the distance between Assens and La Chaux-de-Fonds the following day. We had a very interesting communicational interchange and I learned that through ridesharing interesting people can be met and new ties established.

The incident that sparked my interest in shared mobility solutions:

I wanted to personally take action to fight the pollution of the environment.


Ready for action: If I could, I would next…

I would start a massive long-term communication campaign with different partners, to sensibilize users as much as possible.



Jean-Francois Wahlen

Name: Wahlen

Firstname: Jean-François

Function: Founder

Company: e-covoiturage.ch

Founded in the year: 2005

Number of Collaborators: 3

The Business Idea in Summary:

The e-covoiturage.ch association administers the ridesharing agency www.e-carsharing.ch on which users can offer and search ridesharing opportunities. With this community service travelling becomes more eco-friendly and economic!



Mobility Academy
a subsidiary of the Touring Club of Switzerland
Maulbeerstrasse 10
CH-3001 Bern

Tel +41 (0)58 827 34 15

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