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Carsharing Conference in Vancouver, Canada

On September 22-23, 2015, the Carsharing Conference will be held in Vancouver, Canada. City transportation officials, public transit authorities, carsharing operators and mobility technology innovators will gather to look at the rapid development of new mobility and how progressive city transportation policies support the integration of public transit, cycling and shared cars. Global attendees will have the oportunity to learn what other regions are doing to promote and sustain the shared mobility model, how they have overcome challenges, and developments that address the changing needs of current and future operators and users. The Carsharing Association promotes cooperation among stakeholder groups to ensure that market development addresses multi-modal integration, urban congestion, clean propulsion, parking, and land-use issues.

For more information or to register for this great event, visit conference.carsharing.org

Mobility Academy
a subsidiary of the Touring Club of Switzerland
Maulbeerstrasse 10
CH-3001 Bern

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