wocomoco concluded its activity in 2019. The website will not further updated.
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With 1.6 million members, the TCS is the largest mobility Club of Switzerland. Founded in 1896 as a not-for-profit organisation in Geneva, it is composed of 24 Chapters and a central club. As an influential partner of local and federal authorities, it stands for the free choice of the means of transportation. For over a century, it has been committed to the security of all road users, through awareness campaigns and studies on the quality of road infrastructures. Its 14 training tracks and its 32 centers offering courses for the two-phase driving license make it the leader in driver training and improvement. A major actor in consumer protection, it carries out reference tests, and offers neutral and expert advice in its 19 technical centers. The 220 TCS patrolmen and women repair over 280’000 breakdowns every year, allowing almost 86% of rescued members to get back on the road straight away. Over 700’000 people trust the ETI booklet, when traveling abroad and close to 800 people and 2’800 vehicles are repatriated to Switzerland each year. Thanks to its medical service ETI-Med and in collaboration with Alpine Air Ambulance, the ETI intervention center provides assessments and medical advice, and organizes sanitary returns to Switzerland by ambulance, helicopter or medical evacuation plane. The TCS legal protection, the TCS MasterCard and the TCS car insurance are amongst the most recognized products of the Club, which also runs 37 camping sites and 2 hotels. Twenty times a year, members receive “Touring”, the club’s magazine printed in 1.3 million copies. For all these reasons, one in two households in Switzerland trusts the TCS!

Logo TCS
Mobility Academy
a subsidiary of the Touring Club of Switzerland
Maulbeerstrasse 10
CH-3001 Bern

Tel +41 (0)58 827 34 15

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