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Seven answers from MICHAEL MINIS

Statement: What I always wanted to tell the world about collaborative mobility

We are at the beginning of a change process and we all have the possibility to shape the future. Let’s work on it together.


Dream scenario: How I wish the mobile world looks like in 2060

In 2060 the mobility behavior and the mobility services will have changed strongly. People conciously switch between various modes of transport, owning a car or bicycle will be solely of nostalgic value. Autonomously driving electric vehicles will transport people for short distances, rental bicycles will be ready at a large number of locations and longer distances will be covered by Public Transport.


My TOP-moment: In my eyes the biggest success in the history of collaborative mobility
My Top-moment is on the one hand the launch of the tamyca-platform and with this, the beginning of private carsharing through the internet in the year 2010.


My personal mobility behavior: How I move privately

Privately I often use the bicycle, regional trains, and buses. For Longer distances I use the long-distance services of the Deutsche Bahn (German Railroad). For cargo transports I use vehicles from my neighbourhood.


Personal experiences with collaborative mobility: An incident which stayed in my mind

On the one hand, the feedback of a client stayed in my mind. He wrote us an email, in which he thanked us for our platform. He has met his wife through tamyca.de.
On the other hand, I am excited until today about the feeling that free-floating carsharing models provide. You walk to a car, open it, drive away and park it at a destination. It’s simply brilliant.


The incident that sparked my interest in shared mobility solutions:

At an Event of the RWTH-Aachen, my co-founders and I thought about the resource car and its utilization. As we learned, cars are usually only used one hour a day and therefore massive potential capital is parked at the roadside. We wanted to try and make these vehicles usable for everyone.


Ready for action: If I could, I would next…

… bring the mobility-ticket on the market. Bus, Train, Carsharing, Bycicles, Ridesharing – I can use all of them with one single Smartphone-App and be billed monthly.



Michael Minis

Name: Minis

Firstname: Michael

Function: Founder and CEO

Company: tamyca GmbH

Founded in: 2010

Head Office in: Aachen

Number of Collaborators: 9

The Business Idea in summary:

Private Carsharing allows car-owners to compensate their cost of ownership by renting out their vehicle in the neighbourhood. For this, tamyca provides a complementary fully-comprehensive insurance for each trip. On the other side, tamyca allows private individuals to rent cars in their immediate neighbourhood at attractive prices. The efficient use of the existing vehicles within the tamyca-community supports the environment by reducing the demand for privately owned cars and parking spaces.





Mobility Academy
a subsidiary of the Touring Club of Switzerland
Maulbeerstrasse 10
CH-3001 Bern

Tel +41 (0)58 827 34 15

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