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The ABC of collaborative Mobility

Car-, Bike- or Parksharing

The terms Car-, Bike- and Parksharing describe the processes of sharing a car, a bike or a parking slot with other people instead of using it only personally.

Car- and bikesharing vs. car- or bike rental

The difference between conventional car- or bike rentals and car- or bikesharing systems are the billing plans and the term of lease of the vehicles. Carsharing normally has shorter leasing terms. Sometimes the car is only used for a few hours.

Definition of Collaborative Mobility:

“Collaborative Mobility” describes forms of mobility which focus on sharing modes of transport. It involves familiar ideas such as car sharing or ride sharing, but also includes other concepts such as e.g. bike sharing or flexible parking space rental.

Free floating carsharing

Free floating carsharing is a new form of carsharing. Instead of bringing the shared car back to a fixed station the user has the flexibility to park it in a bigger area. The next user can then find it with a smartphone app.


P2P car sharing: car rental between private individuals 

  • B2C car sharing: rental vehicles with fleet providers
  • Ride sharing: private individuals share the same vehicle and fuel costs
  • Bike sharing: bicycles for rent
  • Freight services (mydriver.org, mitpackgelegenheit.de, etc.)
  • Other offers 
    Park sharing (parkit, parku etc.)
    P2P travel (couchsurfing, airbnb, etc.)
    Taxi sharing (cityzencab, etc.)


P2P vs. B2C carsharing

P2P carsharing means, that people can share their own car with others. They can register their car on an internet platform, where other people can find it and check its availability. B2C carsharing, in contrast, means that a fleet of cars is offered by a company.

Sharing Economy
Something systematically to share with others instead of owning it, that is the principle of the Sharing Economy. The term was coined in the 1980's by the economist Martin Weitzman and becomes through technical inventions such as the internet and smartphones revived today.

Mobility Academy
a subsidiary of the Touring Club of Switzerland
Maulbeerstrasse 10
CH-3001 Bern

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